

Hybrid Intelligent Modeling Approach for the Ball Mill Grinding Process

14 years 9 months ago
Hybrid Intelligent Modeling Approach for the Ball Mill Grinding Process
Modeling for the ball mill grinding process is still an imperative but difficult problem for the optimal control of mineral processing industry. Due to the integrated complexities of grinding process (strong nonlinearity, unknown mechanisms, multivariable, time varying parameters, etc.), a hybrid intelligent dynamic model is presented in this paper, which includes a phenomenological ball mill grinding model with a neurofuzzy network to describe the selection function of different operating conditions, a populace balance based sump model, a phenomenological hydrocyclone model with some reasoning rules for its parameters correction and a radius basis function network (RBFN) for fine particle size error compensation. With the production data from a ball mill grinding circuit of an iron concentration plant, the experiments and simulation results show the proposed hybrid intelligent modeling approach effective.
Ming Tie, Jing Bi, Yushun Fan
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ISNN
Authors Ming Tie, Jing Bi, Yushun Fan
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