

Hybrid-LSH for Spatio-Textual Similarity Queries

8 years 10 months ago
Hybrid-LSH for Spatio-Textual Similarity Queries
Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) is a popular method for high dimensional indexing and search over large datasets. However, little efforts have put forward to utilizing LSH in mobile applications for processing spatio-textual similarity queries, such as find nearby shopping centers that have a top ranked hair salon. In this paper, we present hybrid-LSH, a new LSH method for indexing data objects according to both their spatial location and their keyword similarity. Our hybridLSH approach has two salient features: First our hybrid-LSH carefully combines the spatial location based LSH and textual similarity based LSH to ensure the correctness of the spatial and textual similarity based NN queries. Second, we present an adaptive query-processing model to address the fixed range problem of traditional LSH and to handle queries with varying ranges effectively. Extensive experiments conducted on both synthetic and real datasets validate the efficiency of our hybrid LSH method.
Mingdong Zhu, Derong Shen, Ling Liu, Ge Yu
Added 16 Apr 2016
Updated 16 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Authors Mingdong Zhu, Derong Shen, Ling Liu, Ge Yu
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