

A hybrid system for automatic fingerprint identification

14 years 5 months ago
A hybrid system for automatic fingerprint identification
A hybrid fingerprint identification system is presented in this paper. The system consists of several steps: fingerprint enhancement, minutiae extraction, texture feature extraction, fast texture matching, and minutiae matching. The enhancement algorithm consists of several steps: local ridge orientation estimation, filter design, enhancement, intensity stretching, binarization, thinning, minutiae extraction, and false minutiae elimination. Our approach has been tested in term of both objective and subjective evaluation. The experimental results show an accurate minutiae extraction and effective performance in fingerprint matching system. The proposed hybrid matching system needs fewer steps to identify individuality than traditional methods. The proposed hybrid matching system has been tested on a reasonably large fingerprint database and the experimental results show an effective performance without matching every fingerprint in database.
Sanpachai Huvanandana, Settapong Malisuwan, Jakkap
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Sanpachai Huvanandana, Settapong Malisuwan, Jakkapol Santiyanon, Jenq-Neng Hwang
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