Establishing trust amongst agents is of central importance to the development of well-functioning multi-agent systems. For example, the anonymity of transactions on the Internet can lead to inefficiencies; e.g., a seller on eBay failing to ship a good as promised, or a user free-riding on a file-sharing network. Trust (or reputation) mechanisms can help by aggregating and sharing trust information between agents. Unfortunately these mechanisms can often be manipulated by strategic agents. Existing mechanisms are either very robust to manipulation (i.e., manipulations are not beneficial for strategic agents), or they are very informative (i.e., good at aggregating trust data), but never both. This paper explores this trade-off between these competing desiderata. First, we introduce a metric to evaluate the informativeness of existing trust mechanisms. We then show analytically that trust mechanisms can be combined to generate new hybrid mechanisms with intermediate robustness propertie...
Jie Tang, Sven Seuken, David C. Parkes