

Hypertagging: Supertagging for Surface Realization with CCG

14 years 1 months ago
Hypertagging: Supertagging for Surface Realization with CCG
In lexicalized grammatical formalisms, it is possible to separate lexical category assignment from the combinatory processes that make use of such categories, such as parsing and realization. We adapt techniques from supertagging -- a relatively recent technique that performs complex lexical tagging before full parsing (Bangalore and Joshi, 1999; Clark, 2002) -- for chart realization in OpenCCG, an open-source NLP toolkit for CCG. We call this approach hypertagging, as it operates at a level "above" the syntax, tagging semantic representations with syntactic lexical categories. Our results demonstrate that a hypertagger-informed chart realizer can achieve substantial improvements in realization speed (being approximately twice as fast) with superior realization quality.
Dominic Espinosa, Michael White, Dennis Mehay
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ACL
Authors Dominic Espinosa, Michael White, Dennis Mehay
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