

ICT resilience of power control systems: experimental results from the CRUTIAL testbeds

14 years 17 days ago
ICT resilience of power control systems: experimental results from the CRUTIAL testbeds
Distributed intelligence and secure interconnected communication networks constitute recognized key factors for the economic operation of electricity infrastructures in competitive power markets. Hence, electric power utilities need to extend risk management frameworks with adequate tools for assessing consequences of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) threats on their critical business. This requires realistic probability estimates to cyber threat occurrences and consequent failure modes. Due to data sensitivity and rapid discovery of new vulnerability exploits, historical data series of ICT failures affecting power control infrastructures are not sufficient for a timely risk treatment. Such lack of data can partially be overcome by setting up testbeds to run controlled experiments and collect otherwise unavailable data related to cyber misbehaviours in power system operation. Within the project CRUTIAL (CRitical UTility InfrastructurAL resilience) two testbed platforms...
Giovanna Dondossola, Fabrizio Garrone, Judit Szant
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where DSN
Authors Giovanna Dondossola, Fabrizio Garrone, Judit Szanto, Geert Deconinck, T. Loix, Hakem Beitollahi
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