

Identification of sections from engineering drawings based on evidence theory

14 years 1 months ago
Identification of sections from engineering drawings based on evidence theory
View identification is the basal process for solid reconstruction from engineering drawings. A new method is presented to label various views from a section-involved drawing and identify geometric planes through the object at which the sections are to be located. In the approach, a graph representation is developed for describing multiple relationships among various views in the 2D drawing space, and a reasoning technique based on evidence theory is implemented to validate view relations that are used to fold views and sections in the 3D object space. This is the first automated approach which can handle multiple sections in diverse arrangements, especially accommodating the aligned section for the first time. Experimental results are given to show that the proposed solution makes a breakthrough in the field and builds a promising basis for further expansibility, although it is not a complete one. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.6 [Computer-Aided Engineering]: Computer-Aided Desi...
Jie-Hui Gong, Hui Zhang, Bin Jiang, Jia-Guang Sun
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where SMA
Authors Jie-Hui Gong, Hui Zhang, Bin Jiang, Jia-Guang Sun
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