

Identifying Codes with Small Radius in Some Infinite Regular Graphs

14 years 8 days ago
Identifying Codes with Small Radius in Some Infinite Regular Graphs
Let G = (V, E) be a connected undirected graph and S a subset of vertices. If for all vertices v V , the sets Br(v) S are all nonempty and different, where Br(v) denotes the set of all points within distance r from v, then we call S an r-identifying code. We give constructive upper bounds on the best possible density of r-identifying codes in four infinite regular graphs, for small values of r.
Irène Charon, Olivier Hudry, Antoine Lobste
Added 17 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Irène Charon, Olivier Hudry, Antoine Lobstein
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