

Identifying crosscutting concerns using historical code changes

13 years 10 months ago
Identifying crosscutting concerns using historical code changes
Detailed knowledge about implemented concerns in the source code is crucial for the cost-effective maintenance and successful evolution of large systems. Concern mining techniques can automatically suggest sets of related code fragments that likely contribute to the implementation of a concern. However, developers must then spend considerable time understanding and expanding these concern seeds to obtain the full concern implementation. We propose a new mining technique (COMMIT) that reduces this manual effort. COMMIT addresses three major shortcomings of current concern mining techniques: 1) their inability to merge seeds with small variations, 2) their tendency to ignore important facets of concerns, and 3) their lack of information about the relations between seeds. A comparative case study on two large open source C systems (PostgreSQL and NetBSD) shows that COMMIT recovers up to 87.5% more unique concerns than two leading concern mining techniques, and that the three techniques c...
Bram Adams, Zhen Ming Jiang, Ahmed E. Hassan
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICSE
Authors Bram Adams, Zhen Ming Jiang, Ahmed E. Hassan
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