A straightforward way to illustrate a 3D model is to use a line drawing. Faces in a 2D line drawing provide important information for reconstructing its 3D geometry. Manifold objects belong to a class of common solids and most solid systems are based on manifold geometry. In this paper, a new method is proposed for finding faces from single 2D line drawings representing manifolds. The face identification is formulated based on a property of manifolds: each edge of a manifold is shared exactly by two faces. The two main steps in our method are 1) searching for cycles from a line drawing and 2) searching for faces from the cycles. In order to speed up the face identification procedure, a number of properties, most of which relate to planar manifold geometry in line drawings, are presented to identify most of the cycles that are or are not real faces in a drawing, thus reducing the number of unknown cycles in the second searching. Schemes to deal with manifolds with curved faces and manif...