

Identifying static analysis techniques for finding non-fix hunks in fix revisions

14 years 7 months ago
Identifying static analysis techniques for finding non-fix hunks in fix revisions
Mining software repositories for bug detection requires accurate techniques of identifying bug-fix revisions. There have been many researches to find exact bug-fix revisions. However there are still noises, we call these noises non-fix hunks, even in exactly identified bug-fix revisions. Our goal is to remove these non-fix hunks automatically. First we inspected every 50 bug-fix revisions of three open source projects (Eclipse, Lucene, and Columba). Among total 2146 hunks we found 179 non-fix hunks. We classified these non-fix hunks into 11 patterns. For all patterns we enumerate enabling static analysis techniques.
Yungbum Jung, Hakjoo Oh, Kwangkeun Yi
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CIKM
Authors Yungbum Jung, Hakjoo Oh, Kwangkeun Yi
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