

The IDRC Digital Library: an open access institutional repository disseminating the research results of developing world researc

14 years 2 months ago
The IDRC Digital Library: an open access institutional repository disseminating the research results of developing world researc
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has recently launched the OAI-PMH compliant IDRC Digital Library (IDL), a DSpace institutional repository. The digital library has been developed to enhance the dissemination of research outputs created as a result of Centre-funded research. The repository has a number of unique qualities. It is the public bibliographic database of a Canadian research funding organization, its subject focus is international development and the content is retrospective, dating back to the early 1970s. Intellectual property issues have been a major factor in the development of the repository. Copyright ownership of a majority of IDL content is held by developing world institutions and researchers. The digitization of content and its placement in the open access IDL has involved obtaining permissions from hundreds of copyright holders located inAfrica,Asia and LatinAmerica. IDRC has determined that obtaining permissions and populating the repository wi...
Barbara Porrett
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Barbara Porrett
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