

As if by Magic: On Harry Potter as a Novel and Computer Game

14 years 5 months ago
As if by Magic: On Harry Potter as a Novel and Computer Game
This paper examines the computer game Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in relation to the novel with the same title. The analysis focuses on the temporal aspects of the works, and differences and similarities regarding both media structure and artistic devices are described. The notion of content space is central and a distinction is made between information content space, action content space, and task content space, which form various kinds of works and structures. Moreover, instead of the traditional pair story and discourse, the four concepts of performed discourse, performed story, omnidiscourse, and omnistory are used to reveal temporal effects and characteristics of the game. Finally, it is concluded that the two works, although different in many ways, play with the same user effects, suspense, curiosity, and surprise, to capture and keep the user’s interest. Keywords computer game, ergodic literature, hypertext theory, ludology, narratology, media theory, Harry Pot...
Anna Gunder
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Anna Gunder
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