

Illustrative Volume Visualization Using GPU-Based Particle Systems

14 years 1 months ago
Illustrative Volume Visualization Using GPU-Based Particle Systems
—Illustrative techniques are generally applied to produce stylized renderings. Various illustrative styles have been applied to volumetric data sets, producing clearer images and effectively conveying visual information. We adopt particle systems to produce user-configurable stylized renderings from the volume data, imitating traditional pen-and-ink drawings. In the following, we present an interactive GPU-based illustrative volume rendering framework, called VolFliesGPU. In this framework, isosurfaces are sampled by evenly distributed particle sets, delineating surface shape by illustrative styles. The appearance of these styles is based on locallymeasured surface properties. For instance, hatches convey surface shape by orientation and shape characteristics are enhanced by color, mapped using a curvature-based transfer function. Hidden-surfaces are generally removed to avoid visual clutter, after that a combination of styles is applied per isosurface. Multiple surfaces and styles c...
Roy van Pelt, Anna Vilanova, Huub van de Wetering
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TVCG
Authors Roy van Pelt, Anna Vilanova, Huub van de Wetering
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