

Image-Based Visual Servoing of the I4R parallel robot without Proprioceptive Sensors

14 years 6 months ago
Image-Based Visual Servoing of the I4R parallel robot without Proprioceptive Sensors
— This paper proposes a method to control an I4R parallel robot by the observation of its legs with a calibrated camera. We show that the control law depends only on the edges of its forearms extracted from the image and that no proprioceptive sensors are used. Indeed, the variables needed for control (namely, the directions of the arms and forearms as well as the positions of the wrists ) can be reconstructed from the forearms edges. Experimental validation of the reconstruction is given and simulation of the control with realistic noises is performed showing the validity of the approach.
Tej Dallej, Nicolas Andreff, Philippe Martinet
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICRA
Authors Tej Dallej, Nicolas Andreff, Philippe Martinet
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