

Image Coupling, Restoration and Enhancement via PDE's

15 years 4 months ago
Image Coupling, Restoration and Enhancement via PDE's
We present a new approach based on Partial Differential Equations (PDE) to restore noisy blurred images. After studying the methods to denoise images, staying as close as possible to the input image and methods to restore discontinuities, we will propose a new scheme which combines all this schemes. Quanti ed numerical test on a synthetic image will demonstate the e ciency of our scheme and the role of varying the parameters for denoising, enhancement and coupling. A result on a real image will be also presented. 1 Methods for denoising images. A large number of PDE based algorithms have been proposed recently to tackle the problems of noise removal, image enhancement and image restoration in real images. These methods are based on evolving nonlinear partial di erential equations (PDE's) (e.g. Perona & Malik 9], Nordstr m 7], Shah, Osher & Rudin 10], Proesman et al., Cottet and Germain, Alvarez et al 1, 2], Weickert, Malladi & Sethian 6], Aubert et al. 3]...). This PD...
Pierre Kornprobst, Rachid Deriche, Gilles Aubert
Added 26 Oct 2009
Updated 26 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where ICIP
Authors Pierre Kornprobst, Rachid Deriche, Gilles Aubert
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