

Image Deblurring in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

14 years 3 months ago
Image Deblurring in the Presence of Impulsive Noise
Consider the problem of image deblurring in the presence of impulsive noise. Standard image deconvolution methods rely on the Gaussian noise model and do not perform well with impulsive noise. The main challenge is to deblur the image, recover its discontinuities and at the same time remove the impulse noise. Median-based approaches are inadequate, because at high noise levels they induce nonlinear distortion that hampers the deblurring process. Distinguishing outliers from edge elements is difficult in current gradient-based edge-preserving restoration methods. The suggested approach integrates and extends the robust statistics, line process (half quadratic) and anisotropic diffusion points of view. We present a unified variational approach to image deblurring and impulse noise removal. The objective functional consists of a fidelity term and a regularizer. Data fidelity is quantified using the robust modified L1 norm, and elements from the Mumford-Shah functional are used for regula...
Leah Bar, Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where IJCV
Authors Leah Bar, Nahum Kiryati, Nir A. Sochen
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