

Image Retrieval System Based on Machine Learning and Using Color Features

14 years 7 months ago
Image Retrieval System Based on Machine Learning and Using Color Features
We describe an interactive system for content based image retrieval. The system presents the user with 15 randomly selected images from the database. The user grades the images with one of five possible grades (YES, yes, neutral, no, NO) according to what he is looking for. The system returns the first 15 images with the highest probability of YES grade. The attributes used are a combination of color features. Three different machine learning techniques are compared.
Janez Demsar, Dragan Radolovic, Franc Solina
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where CAIP
Authors Janez Demsar, Dragan Radolovic, Franc Solina
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