

Image Segmentation with A Bounding Box Prior

15 years 6 months ago
Image Segmentation with A Bounding Box Prior
User-provided object bounding box is a simple and popular interaction paradigm considered by many existing interactive image segmentation frameworks. However, these frameworks tend to exploit the provided bounding box merely to exclude its exterior from consideration and sometimes to initialize the energy minimization. In this paper, we discuss how the bounding box can be further used to impose a powerful topological prior, which prevents the solution from excessive shrinking and ensures that the user-provided box bounds the segmentation in a sufficiently tight way. The prior is expressed using hard constraints incorporated into the global energy minimization framework leading to an NP-hard integer program. We then investigate the possible optimization strategies including linear relaxation as well as a new graph cut algorithm called pinpointing. The latter can be used either as a rounding method for the fractional LP solution, which is provably better than thresholdin...
Victor Lempitsky, Pushmeet Kohli, Carsten Rother,
Added 13 Jul 2009
Updated 10 Jan 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICCV
Authors Victor Lempitsky, Pushmeet Kohli, Carsten Rother, Toby Sharp
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