

Immersive and Interactive Exploration of Billion-Atom Systems

14 years 2 months ago
Immersive and Interactive Exploration of Billion-Atom Systems
We have developed a visualization system, named Atomsviewer, to render a billion atoms from the results of a molecular dynamics simulation. This system uses a hierarchical view frustum culling algorithm based on the octree data structure to ef ciently remove atoms that are outside of the eld of view. A novel occlusion culling algorithm, using a probability function, then selects atoms with a high probability of being visible. These selected atoms are further tested with a traditional occlusion culling algorithm before being rendered as spheres at varying levels of detail. To achieve scalability, Atomsviewer is distributed over a cluster of PCs that execute a parallelized version of the hierarchical view frustum culling and the probabilistic occlusion culling, and a graphics workstation that renders the atoms. We have used Atomsviewer to render a billion-atom data set on a dual processor SGI Onyx2 with an In niteReality2 graphics pipeline connected to a four-node PC cluster.
Ashish Sharma, Xinlian Liu, Paul Miller, Aiichiro
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where VR
Authors Ashish Sharma, Xinlian Liu, Paul Miller, Aiichiro Nakano, Rajiv K. Kalia, Priya Vashishta, Wei Zhao, Timothy Campbell, Andy Haas
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