

Immersive real-time large-scale network simulation: A research summary

14 years 9 months ago
Immersive real-time large-scale network simulation: A research summary
Immersive real-time large-scale network simulation is a technique that supports simulation of large-scale networks to interact with real implementations of network protocols, network services, and distributed applications. Traffic generated by real network applications is carried by the virtual network simulated in real time where delays and losses are calculated according to the simulated network conditions. We emphasize network immersion so that the virtual network is indistinguishable from a physical testbed in terms of network behavior, yet allows the flexibility of simulation. In this paper we provide a summary of current research in immersive real-time large-scale network simulation, particularly in areas of hybrid network traffic modeling and scalable emulation infrastructure design.
Jason Liu
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IPPS
Authors Jason Liu
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