

IMORL: Incremental Multiple-Object Recognition and Localization

14 years 14 days ago
IMORL: Incremental Multiple-Object Recognition and Localization
This paper proposes an incremental multiple-object recognition and localization (IMORL) method. The objective of IMORL is to adaptively learn multiple interesting objects in an image. Unlike the conventional multiple-object learning algorithms, the proposed method can automatically and adaptively learn from continuous video streams over the entire learning life. This kind of incremental learning capability enables the proposed approach to accumulate experience and use such knowledge to benefit future learning and the decision making process. Furthermore, IMORL can effectively handle variations in the number of instances in each data chunk over the learning life. Another important aspect analyzed in this paper is the concept drifting issue. In multiple-object learning scenarios, it is a common phenomenon that new interesting objects may be introduced during the learning life. To handle this situation, IMORL uses an adaptive learning principle to autonomously adjust to such new informati...
Haibo He, Sheng Chen
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TNN
Authors Haibo He, Sheng Chen
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