

The Impact of Spectrally-Stable Ink Variability on Spectral Color Management

14 years 1 months ago
The Impact of Spectrally-Stable Ink Variability on Spectral Color Management
Typical color image processing techniques use profiles consisting of sparse multi-dimensional lookup tables that interpolate between adjacent nodes to prepare an image for rendering. It has been suggested that spectral image processing could make analogous use of these techniques. A lookup table for spectral matching will relate spectral correlates to values related to printer digital counts. Previous research has shown that within a multi-colorant printer’s digital gamut there is often a large amount of spectral redundancy. Thus, without special consideration, it could be possible for adjacent nodes in a lookup table to have spectral consistency but digital count inconsistency. The colorimetric impact of lookup table interpolation within such situations was investigated.
Edward F. Hattenberger, Mitchell R. Rosen, Noboru
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Edward F. Hattenberger, Mitchell R. Rosen, Noboru Ohta
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