

Implementation of object-orientation using UML in entry level software development courses

14 years 7 months ago
Implementation of object-orientation using UML in entry level software development courses
In this paper, we establish the need (based on literature and anecdotal evidence) for an infrastructure for CS1 courses to visually support problem solving from the initial problem statement to the code. Then, we describe how using Unified Modeling Language supported by CASE software (Rational Rose) can be used with carefully prepared course materials (selected projects, prepared databases, written lab manuals), to create this infrastructure. The advantage of this infrastructure is that it can be used throughout the student's academic career in software development to support problem solving and collaborative learning. The authors’ extensive experience in developing and teaching the Software Engineering and IT courses were the major factor in implementation of the Object-Orientation with Unified Modeling Language in entry level software development courses. Categories and Subject Descriptors K.3 [Computer and Information Science Education]: Curriculum General Terms Algorithms, ...
Mohammad H. N. Tabrizi, Carol B. Collins, E. Ozan,
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Mohammad H. N. Tabrizi, Carol B. Collins, E. Ozan, K. Li
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