

Implementing Bayesian predictive procedures: The K-prime and K-square distributions

14 years 3 months ago
Implementing Bayesian predictive procedures: The K-prime and K-square distributions
The implementation of Bayesian predictive procedures under standard normal models is considered. Two distributions are of particular interest, the K-prime and Ksquare distributions. They also give exact inferences for simple and multiple correlation coefficients. Their cumulative distribution functions can be expressed in terms of infinite series of multiples of incomplete beta function ratios, thus adequate for recursive calculations. Efficient algorithms are provided. To deal with special cases where possible underflows may prevent recurrence to work properly, a simple solution is proposed which results in a procedure which is intermediate between two classes of algorithms. Some examples of applications are given. Key words: Predictive distribution, Bayesian approach, Incomplete beta function
Jacques Poitevineau, Bruno Lecoutre
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CSDA
Authors Jacques Poitevineau, Bruno Lecoutre
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