

Implementing Distributed Synthetic Forces Simulations in Metacomputing Environments

14 years 4 months ago
Implementing Distributed Synthetic Forces Simulations in Metacomputing Environments
A distributed, parallel implementation of the widely used Modular Semi-Automated Forces ModSAF Distributed Interactive Simulation DIS is presented, with Scalable Parallel Processors SPPs used to simulate more than 50,000 individual vehicles. The singleSPP code is portable and has been used on a variety of di erent SPP architectures for simulations with up to 15,000 vehicles. A general metacomputing framework for DIS on multiple SPPs is discussed and results are presented for an initial system using explicit Gateway processes to manage communications among the SPPs. These 50K-vehicle simulations utilized 1,904 processors at six sites across seven time zones, including platforms from three manufacturers. Ongoing activities to both simplify and enhance the metacomputing system using Globus are described. 1 The Large-Scale DIS Problem Over the past few years, Distributed Interactive Simulation DIS 1 has become an increasingly essential tool for training, system acquisition, test and evalu...
Sharon Brunett, Dan Davis, Thomas Gottschalk, Paul
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where HCW
Authors Sharon Brunett, Dan Davis, Thomas Gottschalk, Paul Messina, Carl Kesselman
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