

Implementing Hierarchical Features in a Graphically Based Formal Modelling Language

14 years 5 months ago
Implementing Hierarchical Features in a Graphically Based Formal Modelling Language
Many developers who could benefit from building and analysing formal models of their systems are deterred from doing so by the process algebra style input languages of formal modelling languages which they find difficult to read and understand. This barrier to the adoption of formal modelling techniques can be significantly reduced if the process algebra is replaced with a graphical notation supported by a model generation tool. However, whilst having a diagrammatic base for the language appeals to the novice modeller, the diagrams can become cluttered for larger models. In this paper we address the issues of how to add hierarchical features to a graphical language without losing the fundamental benefits and appeal of a having the graphical interface to the language. We illustrate these ideas using an existing formal modelling language.
Peter Henderson, Robert John Walters, Stephen Crou
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Peter Henderson, Robert John Walters, Stephen Crouch
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