

Implementing MAC protocols for cooperative relaying: a compiler-assisted approach

14 years 1 months ago
Implementing MAC protocols for cooperative relaying: a compiler-assisted approach
Evaluating the performance of a cooperative relaying protocol requires an implementation for simulators and/or software-defined radios (SDRs) with an appropriate model for error detection, combining, and Medium Access Control (MAC) automaton. Such implementations are essential for meaningful evaluation of practical systems since any protocol introduces overhead that constrains the theoretical performance in non-obvious ways. Unfortunately, protocols for cooperative relaying often yield complex implementations which are tedious to implement and debug. Therefore, we identify basic operations that are inherent to all cooperative relaying protocols, and we propose a new language for their specification. Then, we show how to construct a compiler for the proposed language that generates most of the required implementation (model and MAC automaton) automatically. This approach prevents subtle mistakes during implementation of the protocol, and can significantly increase development time. In ...
Hermann S. Lichte, Stefan Valentin
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Hermann S. Lichte, Stefan Valentin
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