

Implementing a Non-Strict Functional Programming Language on a Threaded Architecture

14 years 4 months ago
Implementing a Non-Strict Functional Programming Language on a Threaded Architecture
Abstract. The combination of a language with ne-grain implicit parallelism and a data ow evaluation scheme is suitable for high-level programming on massively parallel architectures. We are developing a compiler of V, a non-strict functional programming language, for EARTH(Ecient Architecture for Running THreads). Our compiler generates codes in ThreadedC, which is a lower-level programming language for EARTH. We have developed translation rules, and integrated them into the compiler. Since overhead caused by ne-grain processing may degrade performance for programs with little parallelism, we have adopted a thread merging rule. The preliminary performance results are encouraging. Although further improvement is required for non-strict data-structures, some codes generated from V programs by our compiler achieved comparable performance with the performance of hand-written Threaded-C codes.
Shigeru Kusakabe, Kentaro Inenaga, Makoto Amamiya,
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where IPPS
Authors Shigeru Kusakabe, Kentaro Inenaga, Makoto Amamiya, Xinan Tang, Andrés Márquez, Guang R. Gao
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