

Implicatures and Evidentiality of Because Complements at Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interfaces

14 years 8 months ago
Implicatures and Evidentiality of Because Complements at Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interfaces
This paper will explain the asymmetry parallelism between node ‘because’ and toki ‘when’ in terms of the availability of Evidential Phrase in syntax, following the analysis by Chinque [1], Speas [2] and Tenny [3]. This (in)compatibility of Evidential Phrases with Adjunct Clauses is further motivated by the syntax-semantics difference of Adjunct Clauses discussed by Johnston [4].
Yurie Hara
Added 28 Jun 2010
Updated 28 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where JSAI
Authors Yurie Hara
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