

Improved Lower Bounds on the Randomized Complexity of Graph Properties

14 years 7 months ago
Improved Lower Bounds on the Randomized Complexity of Graph Properties
We prove a lower bound of (n4/3 log1/3 n) on the randomized decision tree complexity of any nontrivial monotone n-vertex graph property, and of any nontrivial monotone bipartite graph property with bipartitions of size n. This improves the previous best bound of (n4/3) due to Hajnal [Haj91]. Our proof works by improving a graph packing lemma used in earlier work, and this improvement in turn stems from a novel probabilistic analysis. Graph packing being a well-studied subject in its own right, our improved packing lemma and the probabilistic technique used to prove it may be of independent interest.
Amit Chakrabarti, Subhash Khot
Added 29 Jul 2010
Updated 29 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Amit Chakrabarti, Subhash Khot
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