

An improved multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows

13 years 9 months ago
An improved multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows is a complex combinatorial problem with many real-world applications in transportation and distribution logistics. Its main objective is to find the lowest distance set of routes to deliver goods, using a fleet of identical vehicles with restricted capacity, to customers with service time windows. However, there are other objectives, and having a range of solutions representing the trade-offs between objectives is crucial for many applications. Although previous research has used evolutionary methods for solving this problem, it has rarely concentrated on the optimization of more than one objective, and hardly ever explicitly considered the diversity of solutions. This paper proposes and analyzes a novel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, which incorporates methods for measuring the similarity of solutions, to solve the multi-objective problem. The algorithm is applied to a standard benchmark problem set, showing that when the simi...
Abel Garcia-Najera, John A. Bullinaria
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where COR
Authors Abel Garcia-Najera, John A. Bullinaria
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