

An Improved Pattern Matching Algorithm for Strings in Terms of Straight-Line Programs

14 years 6 months ago
An Improved Pattern Matching Algorithm for Strings in Terms of Straight-Line Programs
We show an ecient pattern matching algorithm for strings that are succinctly described in terms of straight-line programs, in which the constants are symbols and the only operation is the concatenation. In this paper, both text T and pattern P are given by straight-line programs T and P. The length of the text T (pattern P , resp.) may grows exponentially with respect to its description size jT j = n (jPj = m, resp.). We show a new combinatorial property concerning with the periodic occurrences in a text. Based on this property, we develop an O(n 2 m 2 ) time algorithm using O(nm) space, which outputs a compact representation of all occurrences of P in T . This is superior to the algorithm proposed by Karpinski et al.[11], which runs in O((n + m)4 log (n + m)) time using O((n +m)3 ) space, and nds only one occurrence. Moreover, our algorithm is much simpler than theirs.
Masamichi Miyazaki, Ayumi Shinohara, Masayuki Take
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where CPM
Authors Masamichi Miyazaki, Ayumi Shinohara, Masayuki Takeda
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