

Improved Primitives for Secure Multiparty Integer Computation

14 years 1 months ago
Improved Primitives for Secure Multiparty Integer Computation
We consider a collection of related multiparty computation protocols that provide core operations for secure integer and fixed-point computation. The higher-level protocols offer integer truncation and comparison, which are typically the main performance bottlenecks in complex applications. We present techniques and building blocks that allow to improve the efficiency of these protocols, in order to meet the performance requirements of a broader range of applications. The protocols can be constructed using different secure computation methods. We focus on solutions for multiparty computation using secret sharing.
Octavian Catrina, Sebastiaan de Hoogh
Added 30 Jan 2011
Updated 30 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SCN
Authors Octavian Catrina, Sebastiaan de Hoogh
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