

An improvement of translation quality with adding key-words in parallel corpus

13 years 10 months ago
An improvement of translation quality with adding key-words in parallel corpus
: In this paper, we propose a new approach to improve the translation quality by adding the Key-Words of a sentence to the parallel corpus. The main idea of the approach is to find the key-words of sentences that cannot be properly translated by the model, and then put it or them in the training corpus in a separated line as a sentence. During our experiment, we use two statistical machine translation (SMT) systems, word-based SMT (ISI-rewrite) and phrase-based SMT (Moses), and a small parallel corpus (4,000 sentences) to check our assumption. To our glad, we get a better BLEU score than the original parallel text. It can improve about 6% in word-based SMT (isi-rewrite) and 4% in phrased-based SMT (Moses). At last we build a 120,000 English-Chinese parallel corpus in this way.
Liang Tian, Fai Wong, Sam Chao
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Liang Tian, Fai Wong, Sam Chao
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