

Improving architectural 3D reconstruction by plane and edge constraining

14 years 2 months ago
Improving architectural 3D reconstruction by plane and edge constraining
This paper presents new techniques for improving the structural quality of automatically acquired architectural 3D models. Common architectural features like parallelism and orthogonality of walls and edges are exploited. The location of these features is extracted from the model by using a probabilistic technique (RANSAC). The relationships among the planes and edges are inferred automatically using a knowledge-based architectural model. A numerical algorithm is used to optimise the orientations of the features. Small irregularities in the model are removed by projecting the triangulation vertices onto the features. Planes and edges in the resulting model are aligned to each other. The techniques produce models with improved appearance. We show results for synthetic and real data with consideration of noise. Keywords Surface geometry, Shape, Scene analysis, Constrained architectural reconstruction
H. Cantzler, Robert B. Fisher, Michel Devy
Added 30 Sep 2010
Updated 30 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where BMVC
Authors H. Cantzler, Robert B. Fisher, Michel Devy
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