

Improving data mining utility with projective sampling

14 years 5 months ago
Improving data mining utility with projective sampling
Overall performance of the data mining process depends not just on the value of the induced knowledge but also on various costs of the process itself such as the cost of acquiring and pre-processing training examples, the CPU cost of model induction, and the cost of committed errors. Recently, several progressive sampling strategies for maximizing the overall data mining utility have been proposed. All these strategies are based on repeated acquisitions of additional training examples until a utility decrease is observed. In this paper, we present an alternative, projective sampling strategy, which fits functions to a partial learning curve and a partial run-time curve obtained from a small subset of potentially available data and then uses these projected functions to analytically estimate the optimal training set size. The proposed approach is evaluated on a variety of benchmark datasets using the RapidMiner environment for machine learning and data mining processes. The results sho...
Mark Last
Added 26 Jul 2010
Updated 26 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where KDD
Authors Mark Last
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