

Improving interoperability between microbial information and sequence databases

14 years 11 days ago
Improving interoperability between microbial information and sequence databases
Background: Biological resources are essential tools for biomedical research. Their availability is promoted through on-line catalogues. Common Access to Biological Resources and Information (CABRI) is a service for distribution of biological resources and related data collected by 28 European culture collections. Linking this information to bioinformatics databanks can make the collections' holdings more visible after a search in molecular biology databanks and vice-versa. Identification of links to sequence databases can be useful, but annotation and indexing problems, together with compilation errors, immediately arise. In this paper, we present our efforts for the identification of cross-references between CABRI catalogues and the EMBL Data Library and related results. Results: An SRS site with both EMBL and CABRI catalogues has been set up. Ad-hoc changes in indexing scripts allowed to achieve homogeneous index keys and SRS link features have been used to identify links betw...
Paolo Romano, Peter Dawyndt, Francesca Piersigilli
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Authors Paolo Romano, Peter Dawyndt, Francesca Piersigilli, Jean Swings
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