

Improving reliability and energy efficiency of disk systems via utilization control

14 years 9 months ago
Improving reliability and energy efficiency of disk systems via utilization control
As disk drives become increasingly sophisticated and processing power increases, one of the most critical issues of designing modern disk systems is data reliability. Although numerous energy saving techniques are available for disk systems, most of energy conservation techniques are not effective in reliability critical environments due to their limitation of ignoring the reliability issue. A wide range of factors affect the reliability of disk systems; the most important factors – disk utilization and ages – are the focus of this study. We build a model to quantify the relationship among the disk age, utilization, and failure probabilities. Observing that the reliability of a disk heavily relies on both disk utilization and age, we propose a novel concept of safe utilization zone, where energy of the disk can be conserved without degrading reliability. We investigate an approach to improving both reliability and energy efficiency of disk systems via utilization control, where di...
Kiranmai Bellam, Adam Manzanares, Xiaojun Ruan, Xi
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ISCC
Authors Kiranmai Bellam, Adam Manzanares, Xiaojun Ruan, Xiao Qin, Yiming Yang
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