

Improving software quality

14 years 4 months ago
Improving software quality
– It is difficult to improve software quality by relying on conformance to industry standards by continuously upgrading from one standard or model to another standard or model because this exercise is complicated for some software organizations. ‘Many multinational companies, developed internal standards based on the military standards, and then sought to improve the standard even further as their software development processes matured. The software development systems based on these internal, commercial standards, and improved over the years have proved to be good systems’ [1]. This paper will show you how to build up an efficient, workable system from basic principles through to writing ‘Quality Manuals’, ‘Forms’ and ‘Templates’ that can improve software quality by using CMMI (SW), CMM (SW) and ISO 9000-3:1997. The results of this research can be used in improving development and testing processes.
Sharon Wheeler, Sheryl Duggins
Added 05 Aug 2010
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Authors Sharon Wheeler, Sheryl Duggins
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