Arabic, a highly inflected language, requires good stemming for effective information retrieval, yet no standard approach to stemming has emerged. We developed several light stemmers based on heuristics and a statistical stemmer based on co-occurrence for Arabic retrieval. We compared the retrieval effectiveness of our stemmers and of a morphological analyzer on the TREC-2001 data. The best light stemmer was more effective for cross-language retrieval than a morphological stemmer which tried to find the root for each word. A repartitioning process consisting of vowel removal followed by clustering using co-occurrence analysis produced stem classes which were better than no stemming or very light stemming, but still inferior to good light stemming or morphological analysis. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.1 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Content Analysis and Indexing
Leah S. Larkey, Lisa Ballesteros, Margaret E. Conn