

Improving understanding of website privacy policies with fine-grained policy anchors

15 years 4 months ago
Improving understanding of website privacy policies with fine-grained policy anchors
Website privacy policies state the ways that a site will use personal identifiable information (PII) that is collected from fields and forms in web-based transactions. Since these policies can be complex, machine-readable versions have been developed that allow automatic comparison of a site's privacy policy with a user's privacy preferences. However, it is still difficult for users to determine the cause and origin of conformance conflicts, because current standards operate at the page level ? they can only say that there is a conflict on the page, not where the conflict occurs or what causes it. In this paper we describe fine-grained policy anchors, an extension to the way a website implements the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P), that solves this problem. Fine grained policy anchors enable field-level comparisons of policy and preference, field-specific conformance displays, and faster access to additional conformance information. We built a prototype user agent bas...
Stephen E. Levy, Carl Gutwin
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where WWW
Authors Stephen E. Levy, Carl Gutwin
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