

Improvisation principles and techniques for design

15 years 25 days ago
Improvisation principles and techniques for design
Existing research addresses how designers create tools to support improvisation, yet little research explores how improvisation offers tools to support design work. This paper explores the potential relationship between improvisation and design, examining how design can benefit from improvisation. The paper argues that improvisation can build perspectives and skills that are critical for designers, such as creative collaboration, fostering innovation, supporting spontaneity, learning through error, and presenting ideas. The paper reviews the use of improvisation activities by designers in a multi-case study. The applications are analyzed to demonstrate individual and group level outcomes in design work. Author Keywords Improvisation, Design, Collaboration ACM Classification Keywords H.5.3 Group and Organizational Interfaces
Elizabeth Gerber
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CHI
Authors Elizabeth Gerber
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