We present algorithms that enable virtual objects to interact with and respond to virtual representations, avatars, of real objects. These techniques allow dynamic real objects, such as the user, tools, and parts, to be visually and physically incorporated into the virtual environment (VE). The system uses image-based object reconstruction and a volume query mechanism to detect collisions and to determine plausible collision responses between virtual objects and the avatars. This allows our system to provide the user natural interactions with the VE. We have begun a collaboration with NASA Langley Research Center to apply the hybrid environment system to a satellite payload assembly verification task. In an informal case study, NASA LaRC payload designers and engineers conducted common assembly tasks on payload models. The results suggest that hybrid environments could provide significant advantages for assembly verification and layout evaluation tasks. CR Categories: H.5.2 (Informati...
Benjamin Lok, Samir Naik, Mary C. Whitton, Frederi