

Incorporating Semantics in Scientific Workflow Authoring

14 years 6 months ago
Incorporating Semantics in Scientific Workflow Authoring
The tools used to analyze scientific data are often distinct from those used to archive, retrieve, and query data. A scientific workflow environment, however, allows one to seamlessly combine these functions within the same application. This increase in capability is accompanied by an increase in complexity, especially in workflow tools like Kepler, which target multiple science domains including ecology, geology, oceanography, physics, and biology. To overcome this complexity, we have developed semantically-driven user-interface components that are customized at run-time using domain-specific ontologies. One such subsystem in Kepler uses domain-specific ontologies to customize the presentation of analytical components and data for use by scientists building workflows. Kepler also provides for semantically-enabled queries for components, which can significantly increase efficiency in workflow authoring tasks. In this demonstration, we show how ontologies can be used for user-interface ...
Chad Berkley, Shawn Bowers, Matthew B. Jones, Bert
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Chad Berkley, Shawn Bowers, Matthew B. Jones, Bertram Ludäscher, Mark Schildhauer, Jing Tao
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