

Increasing engagement in automata theory with JFLAP

15 years 12 days ago
Increasing engagement in automata theory with JFLAP
We describe the results from a two-year study with fourteen universities on presenting formal languages in a more visual, interactive and applied manner using JFLAP. In our results the majority of students felt that having access to JFLAP made learning course concepts easier, made them feel more engaged in the course and made the course more enjoyable. We also describe changes and additions to JFLAP we have made based on feedback from users. These changes include new algorithms such as a CYK parser and a user-controlled parser, and new resources that include a JFLAP online tutorial, a wiki and a listserv. Categories and Subject Descriptors F.4.3 [Theory of Computation]: Mathematical Logic and
Susan H. Rodger, Eric Wiebe, Kyung Min Lee, Chris
Added 24 Nov 2009
Updated 24 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Susan H. Rodger, Eric Wiebe, Kyung Min Lee, Chris Morgan, Kareem Omar, Jonathan Su
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