

Increasing the Power of the Dealer in Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems

14 years 7 months ago
Increasing the Power of the Dealer in Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems
Abstract. We introduce weaker models for non-interactive zero knowledge, in which the dealer is not restricted to deal a truly random string and may also have access to the input to the protocol (i.e. the statement to prove). We show in these models a non-interactive statistical zero-knowledge proof for every language that has (interactive) statistical zero-knowledge proof, and a computational zero-knowledge proof for every language in NP. We also show how to change the latter proof system to fit the model of non-interactive computational zero-knowledge with preprocessing to improve existing results in term of the number of bit commitments that are required for the protocol to work.
Danny Gutfreund, Michael Ben-Or
Added 02 Aug 2010
Updated 02 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Danny Gutfreund, Michael Ben-Or
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