

Incremental and Decremental Learning for Linear Support Vector Machines

14 years 6 months ago
Incremental and Decremental Learning for Linear Support Vector Machines
Abstract. We present a method to find the exact maximal margin hyperplane for linear Support Vector Machines when a new (existing) component is added (removed) to (from) the inner product. The maximal margin hyperplane with the new inner product is obtained in terms of that for the old inner product, without re-computing it from scratch and the procedure is reversible. An algorithm to implement the proposed method is presented, which avoids matrix inversions from scratch. Among the possible applications, we find feature selection and the design of kernels out of similarity measures.
Enrique Romero, Ignacio Barrio, Lluís Belan
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Enrique Romero, Ignacio Barrio, Lluís Belanche
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