

Incremental Computation of Resource-Envelopes in Producer-Consumer Models

14 years 7 months ago
Incremental Computation of Resource-Envelopes in Producer-Consumer Models
Abstract. Interleaved planning and scheduling employs the idea of extending partial plans by regularly heeding to the scheduling constraints during search. One of the techniques used to analyze scheduling and resource consumption constraints is to compute the so-called resourceenvelopes. These envelopes can then be used to derive effective heuristics to guide the search for good plans and/or dispatch given plans optimally. The key to the success of this approach however, is in being able to recompute the envelopes incrementally as and when partial commitments are made. The resource-envelope problem in producer-consumer models is as follows: A directed graph G = X , E has X = {X0, X1 . . . Xn} as the set of nodes corresponding to events (X0 is the “beginning of the world” node and is assumed to be set to 0) and E as the set of directed edges between them. A directed edge e = Xi, Xj in E is annotated with the simple temporal information [LB(e), UB(e)] indicating that a consistent sc...
T. K. Satish Kumar
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CP
Authors T. K. Satish Kumar
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