

Inferring Congruence Equations Using SAT

14 years 3 months ago
Inferring Congruence Equations Using SAT
This paper proposes a new approach for deriving invariants that are systems of congruence equations where the modulo is a power of 2. The technique is an amalgam of SAT-solving, where a propositional is used to encode the semantics of a basic block, and abstraction, where the solutions to the formula are systematically combined and summarised as a system of congruence equations. The resulting technique is more precise than existing congruence analyses since a single optimal transfer function is derived for a basic block as a whole.
Andy King, Harald Søndergaard
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CAV
Authors Andy King, Harald Søndergaard
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